Maintainer has a winning lineup of features and options that will make your highway crew more efficient and cut costs! With our popular Sign Truck features, the work normally took two or more people can now be completed by just one. Telescoping walkways and exterior LED flood lighting make the job safer and easier when working over the side of the road. Maintainer's premiu
m cranes can be adapted with auger attachments and post-pounders to make for a versatile truck. All-in-one power units like Miller's EnPak or Vanair's I300 will help save on fuel and engine wear. And the storage! Our engineers are masters at creating space for your signs and posts. Let us custom build your next sign truck today!
Check out the Sioux County, Iowa Sign Truck IN ACTION in the video below. For more on what Sioux County Traffic Control Specialist Scott DeKock has to say about his sign truck, click on over to SIGN TRUCK NEWS RELEASE!
![]() Sign Truck Brochure |
![]() Full Line Brochure |
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